Mental Illnesses in All of Us
Each individual is faced with their own inner demands. That being said, the biggest thing we have in life is being able to communicate with others. Sometimes, all we need to know is that we are not alone in our struggles and that other people share the same feelings and thoughts that we do. It is okay not to be okay. Mental health issues should not be overlooked. It is a natural process of becoming a stronger version of oneself. Remember there is a tomorrow, so let's get started on this long journey. There may be a lot of pain involved, but it is worth it since there is happiness on the other side. You are not alone, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel
All the Different Mental Illnesses
It is similar to being stressed for a test, but 24/7. It is impossible to catch your breath no matter how hard you try. The only thing you want is for the weight you feel on your chest to disappear. You feel dizzy and your hands are shaking. This is how I feel when I am anxious.
Have you ever felt like you were drowning while everyone else was breathing? Being helpless like nothing can make you happy, and feeling alone no matter how many people are around you. This is how depression feels to me.
My story:
Since I can remember, I have suffered from anxiety and depression. Until recently, however, I was unaware of how I was feeling. Attempts were made to convince me that these feelings would pass. It felt weak to admit that I was affected by anxiety and depression. My feelings were that I was alone and weaker than everyone else. What I did not realize until recently is how common these feelings are. It is astonishing how many people have these very same feelings, yet are afraid to speak up or address them. There is no need to fear. You may be surprised by how many people feel like you and wouldn't expect some of them to feel that way. On the outside, a person may seem fine and appear very happy. However, this does not mean that they are as happy as you believe they are on the inside
Since I have addressed the fact that I live every day with anxiety and depression, I have been able to learn what I enjoy and how to manage these conditions effectively. Life is not always easy and I face ups and downs every day. However, this does not make me any weaker than anyone else. I have become stronger as a result of the challenges I have faced throughout this process.
In dealing with these mental illnesses, I have discovered my passions and hobbies. I am particularly passionate about helping others. The only thing that made me happy during my most challenging times of anxiety and depression was helping others. Whenever I was able to make someone else's life easier or happier, it put a smile on my face and relieved the suffering. I also realized how much I enjoyed fashion. In my youth, I was not creative. I was never very skilled at drawing or painting, and I did not play any musical instruments. However, I realized that I was creative when it came to fashion. I was able to describe who I am through my clothes and be different. People might see these mental illnesses as a negative thing, but I see them as a positive thing. It has allowed me to reorganize my life and figure out what makes me happy and follow those passions and hobbies.
My Journey to Overcome Anxiety and Depression
It is important to realize that life is constantly changing. At times, you are happy, and at other times, you are sad. We must accept that life is a rollercoaster. During those down moments, we grow. Being positive is easy when everything is going well. It is when you get knocked down and are faced with adversity that you see who you really are.
My mental illness has been a long journey and I am still a work in progress. Looking back on this entire process, I can say that my mental illnesses have enabled me to become who I am today and help me overcome things I thought I would never be able to overcome.
Our mind is our greatest gift in life. We have control over our mindset, so it is essential to maintain a positive outlook during both good and bad times. How we react to our life experiences will shape who we are.
Don’t let fear control you. Attack your fears at any chance you get. There is no better feeling than doing so.
Set goals for yourself. It is easy to get into a routine in life and forget about your progress towards your goals. It is important to make short-term and long-term goals for yourself. Make sure you are setting up a path to get to where you want to be. However, don’t let that path take away from any other opportunities that might come your way.
Friends and Family
This is our biggest resource. Humans are social creatures and we need people that we can lean on. This doesn’t make you any weaker. These people are in our lives for these reasons. Let them lift you when you don’t have enough strength to get up.
The Feeling is Temporary
How you are feeling won’t last. I know you feel like there is a cloud over your head that just won’t go away, but there are sunny days ahead. Accept you’re in the storm. Tell yourself that I might be in this storm, but I am going to pull up a chair and outlast this storm. It's not going to get the best of me and I will wait for that sunshine to come my way. I have been in this situation where I thought I would never get out of this. But every time I had days filled with sunshine that followed. Storms are temporary.
Moments That Take Your Breath Away
Say yes to everything. Travel, go out with your friends, try new things, and figure out what makes you happy and who you are. Life isn’t about how long you live, it’s about all the moments in your life that make you feel alive and so happy you can’t stop smiling.
Workout Your Body and Mind Everyday
It is important to work out your mind and body. Get out and go for a walk. Don’t lay in bed all day. I know you want to and I have been there and done it. Don’t let your mind be imprisoned. Go out and experience what life has to offer. You can make the most and least amount of it. Stay busy.
I used to feel like taking medicine would make me weaker. That I didn’t want to be someone who relied on it. I can say that taking medicine for my mental health has had great benefits. It has helped me manage my anxiety and depression. It is important to go talk to a doctor about what you’re feeling and set up the right plan for yourself to manage how you’re feeling, control it, and overcome it.
Fall in love with who you are and do something to make yourself a better person. Tomorrow is never promised and today you are living. Good and bad will come, but now you have the right now. You can’t wait for someone to make your life better. You must focus on yourself and make yourself better right now rather than putting it off. Don’t give up on yourself. Follow your passions and be that person you have always wanted to be. We all struggle, keep fighting forward and live.
Talk About Mental Health
We need to talk about mental health more than we already are. We have the power to share our own stories and let others know that they’re not alone. That we all share the same thoughts and experiences. Most of all it is okay to not be okay. I would love for whoever reads this to send in their story and what experiences they have gone through with mental illnesses. It is up to you if you want to include your name in it or not. Just remember that life needs you and there is nothing wrong with having a mental illness. Don’t escape your pain. Feel yourself through the pain. The quickest way out is in, you will develop from your pain.
You are the author and the main character of your story go write it.
Reach out to me about anything (503) 926-4898